Alice Lloyd College is pleased to announce that the fall 2021 semester has recorded the largest enrollment since 2015. ALC seeks to provide the best education, facilities, and experiences for new and returning students. With the addition of two growing majors, Criminal Justice and Communications Studies, the College is offering more opportunities for students to improve themselves and the Appalachian region.
Director of Enrollment Management, Tori Nairn, states, “I believe our increase in enrollment comes from the upgrades to our facilities that we have been able to provide in the Perry Campus Center and Hermann Hall. Also, in a time where a lot of families are focusing on cost, ALC is able to continually provide a low-cost option with our tuition guarantee for our 108-county service area.”
With some colleges and universities facing uncertainty, ALC is grateful for the faculty, staff, friends, and students who, through dedication and prayer, continue the mission of Alice Lloyd and June Buchanan.